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Mon salon
Old name:nightmarewish
Name:Cassie umm duh! xD
Location:Under ur bed o.o ...WOAH!
Myspace: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ok im my name is Cassie .Mae and yes im SINGLE ;] . ill talk to anyone but im kind of SHY haha. I rarely go to chat rooms so just invite me. Im a very GIGGLIEperson even when somethings not funny. dont forget to leave a message I wouldnt get mad if u dont but i like to talk. Im RANDOMsometimes and i like any type of music and sleeping ;D but really who doesnt (that just proved my point). I love VIDEO GAMES ;] and mario is my favorite! I dont like school and a like c- student. Im not the little MISS PERFECTperson im very far from that.Please do NOT BEGG dont ask for my music and please do NOT copy my avi pictures I dont want to see anymore people doing that.Ok anyways also I have my blond moments but realy when do hair color matter :O So yeah invite me to a chat :] andLEAVE A MESSAGE ;]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Meat eater -Naturaly brunette -Loves eyeliner -Hates mean ppl -Loves comedy -Uses google alot -Gets distracted easy -Is a picky eater -Hates animal testing -Loves whip cream -Collects shiney things -Likes to talk alot -Wants Miley Cirus to die -Never pays attention -Wants to sleep -Has an inhaler -Has an ipod named Timmy -Runs like a girl -Hates annoying kids -Laughs easy -Hates ageing -Has spelling problems -Is white trash -Is scared of ghost -Hates skewl -Loves to waste time -Has 2 role models -Loves my friends -Hates horror -Never lies ------------------------------------------------------------- Neon colors are sexehh xP I like everything and anything but hate nothing I just hate mornings!!! >:O I Am Odd...not weird! O_o I Am NOT a labeler Drama in the INTERNET? Oh god.... I'm a Fawkin Bow-raper Who Rapes Bows :O CAKE DAY IS ON JUNE 10TH ^_^ L0VE ME? HATE ME? o.o either one, i was thought of in your mind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AWESOME FRIENDS :D [no order] Dustin, Pam, David, Jayde, Jojo, Courtney, Jakey, Kittie, Donnie, Sheena <3 -----------------------------------------------------------

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