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Still inactive D:
Status: Got nothing else to do.
Location: In a cafe.

Hi! So i've been gone for a while (a year) and came back to imvu just to check how my account's doing. I just fixed my homepage since I found out it was really messed up. -_- I'm not even going to bother change my avatar because i'm just addicted to my new Infamous game on PS3. It is RAINY where I live!! And a little too much for my liking. Wondering when it will stop? Haha so I have to go back to being a video game nerd now so..... Bye! :)

Love Miku ~ July 26, 2011
Lo que me interesa
Mis amigos (2)


Avatar Name: Miku Occupation: Student

Gender: Female
Age: 18
Ethnicity: Chinese
Location: Canada

Likes: Family, tea, video games, friends
Dislikes: Spicy food, rudeness, romantic films/dramas

Favorite Food:Rice
Favorite Singer: Kanon Wakeshima Favorite Hobby: Drawing

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